Tag Archives: updo

4 ways your protective style can lead to damage

You may wondering “what the heck is a protective style?”. In my sense a protective style is a style for your hair that protects against heat, comb or brush damage, color, and harsh weather. Sometimes we need to let our hair breathe and do it’s own thing. The most common protective style is a twist up-do. With a twist up-do you can protect your inner hair within the twist if that makes sense. Just in case it doesn’t I will explain further into detail. Say you gather your two parts of hair and you are ready to twist, there is always a part that is never facing the outside so it is always being protected. Pin ups are great for protective styling as well for more of your hair is being protected. Even braids or twists with hair added can be good for protection especially against the harsh weather. When we hear “protective style” we think of a laid back style that can stimulate hair growth. Sometimes we take the wrong steps in protective styling and in the end we have damaged our hair instead of protecting it. One way and the most popular way to cause damage is by not adding any moisture. Moisture plays a big part in hair growth, moisture is categorized in oil, conditioner, or leave in moisturizing lotion. No moisture can lead to breakage and we don’t want that. Another way you can cause damage to your protective style is by putting too much tension on your hair, which can happen from your braids being too tight or your braids being too heavy. Protective styles main purpose is meant to protect and help with growth, with these steps you can learn how to protect your hair.